Super Rec. A was a real close race this year with only 6 points between 1st and 9th place. We also ended up with a tie for 2nd that had to go to the win/loss % to break it since both teams had the same number of pool points.

1. Network – 65pts
2. Netscape – 63pts – .696
3. Prime # – 63pts – .563

1. The Replacements – 61pts
2. Recyclables – 60pts – 52 pool points
3. Flock of Seagulls – 60pts – 43 pool points

NOTE: The score sheet for pool 2 had the final placings on the day done incorrectly and I updated it. Fall River, Size Matters and Pinnacle all had 7 points on the day and they were placed 4th, 2nd & 3rd respectively. As stated in the rules, if a tie between more than 3 teams occurs we do a +/- percentage (between the tied teams) to figure out the standings.

Fall River: 82 for / 85 against for a -3
Size Matters: 88 for / 75 against for a +13
Pinnacle: 79 for / 89 against for a -10

So Pinnacle came 4th and Fall River came 3rd on the day.

Competitive also came down to the final tournament and with “The Law” winning the tournament, it forced a tie for first with “Zoo Crew”. Unfortunately for “The Law” they split two matches today only getting 2pts for each and giving them 10 pool pts on the day. “Zoo Crew” ended up maintaining first place because overall this year they had 2 more pool points than “The Law”.

1. Zoo Crew – 98pts – 84 pool points
2. The Law – 98pts – 82 pool points
3. Prodigy Sports – 79pts