CVNS Registration Guidelines
Coed Volleyball Nova Scotia (CVNS) takes registrations on a chronological bases, that is first come first served until such time a “tournament” is full. This means that unless the tournament was full, receiving your cheque would generally guarantee your team a spot in the tournament.

Division Placement:
Every effort is made to place your team in the division that you registered for. However, in the interest of fairness to all, we reserve the right to move teams to other divisions in order to accommodate everyone. As well, we try to ensure that divisions and round robin play would be as close to 5 teams as possible, with team skills being equally matched.

The top two teams of Super Rec B from the last tournament played will move up to Super Rec A for the next tournament and the bottom two teams of Super Rec A from the last tournament played will move to Super Rec B. There will be no bumping of teams from either Super Rec A or B to Competitive.

In the event that we have more than ten teams (for any given month) in Competitive, the last team(s) to register will be offered a spot in Super Rec A, which will then mean that the number of Super Rec B teams moving to Super Rec A will be decreased by that same number. If and when the number of registered teams in the Competitive division exceeds ten, the last place team in Competitive from the previous tournament will move from Competitive to Super Rec A for the next tournament.

Finally, this is always subject for review by the organizing committee to ensure the league’s best interest.

Team names in each division will be posted on the website, the Thursday evening prior to the tournament.

NOTE: This information can also be found on the Registration page.